secrets for life.
Leverage your natural strength.
Say goodbye to weight loss drugs, testosterone replacement therapy, peptides, stimulants, and other drugs with dependency and risky long term outcomes, and hello to a symphonic orchestration of your body’s own natural intelligence.

For the best fitness of your life.
All ages. All levels.

Medal-winning innovation

The world’s best coach at your fingertips.
More anabolic
More lean muscle
Lower body fat

Mealflow™ makes it easy to stay lean and strong while eating the foods you love using meal timing and digestion speeds, making it the ‘Natural GLP-1’

Lower body fat
Reduced cravings
Fully sustainable

Recovery techniques used by Olympic medalists such as deep sleep boosting and circadian matching to reach your fitness goals faster.
Deep Sleep
Faster recovery
More energy
Adapts to you. Your daily schedule always stays optimal even with changes. We do the complex calculations and keeps you optimal.

Coaching + Courses
Amplify your daily plan results with deeper, more personalized coaching directly from Olympic athletes. We offer 1-on-1 zoom coaching sessions, online course series, and in-person workshops for breakthrough results from your workouts.

‘Data not doping’
‘GOLD… A hint of where
science is taking sports’
‘Optimizing performance’
Frequently Asked Questions
Any age, any background, and any athletic level can benefit from using GOLD AI to navigate your day for breakthroughs in health and fitness because of it’s universal biological principles and personalization to support everyone.
Since GOLD is based on your duration of training, intensity, and energy system, it can accommodate any sport or workout.
GOLD meal model is diet agnostic, so you can enjoy any diet type. It is based o macronutrients and timing. There is an option for plant based proteins, since this affects the meal calculations.
We offer a range of coaching solutions including online courses, live 1 hour on Zoom with our Olympic athlete founders, and in-person workshops We can help you integrate GOLD effectively into your life for breakthroughs in performance.
“My sleep and diet have improved my runs immensely since using GOLD AI.”
Jim Merchant - Architect and Runner
“GOLD AI has changed my life for the better. Lost 30lbs of fat and I feel amazing.”
Karen Boone - Mom and Career Woman
“Using the latest tips from Olympic athletes for my life feels empowering!”
Kristina Lee - Masters Student
“Highly recommend GOLD AI coaching for better strength, energy, and well-being .”
Donovan Marshall - Attorney
‘I recommend GOLD AI to my clients to optimize the other 23 hours of their day for greatly improved workout results. Solves a major pain point for me!’
Quincy Burgers, EQUINOX Level 1 Trainer