Daily Steps estimation
For Recent Daily Steps, you should select your current estimated number of non-training steps per day over the past week.
Estimating your Daily Step count:
Preferred way: Get your daily steps recent average from your Apple Health app under ‘Steps’ ‘Week’ ‘Average daily steps’. This will typically range between 1,000 to 10, 000 steps per day. You can also see daily steps from wearables such as Apple Watch, Oura, Whoop, Fitbit, etc.
Estimate based on your daily activity level:
If you have a desk job and dont walk much, then you are likely 1,000-3,000 steps per day
If you walk regularly through the day, then you are likely 3,000-6,000 steps per day.
If you make an active effort to go on walks, or have a manually intensive job, then you are likely 6,000+ steps per day.
You can always update this in Settings.
Note: Your data is kept strictly private and de-identified for all equations.