Wake Tips
We create a deep sleep program to boost your recovery, energy, and anabolic hormones naturally. The time you wake is a key factor in this equation.
Default Wake time tips:
Aim to wake as close to when the sun rises as possible. Being ‘geosynced’ has been shown to improve quality of sleep, recovery, and performance. Late bedtime and late wake creates a type of ‘jetlag’ we call ‘Geolag’ that inhibits anabolism and recovery.
Aim to consistently wake up at the same time every morning. Consistent sleep cycles have recently been scientifically shown to be as important as sleep duration to improve performance, and are like a muscle that get stronger when consistent.
Your daily plan will also include tips such as when to get sunlight exposure (or equivalent) for improved sleep and performance, how to deep sleep boost using the same techniques as Olympic and professional athletes.
You can always change your default Wake time in Settings.
Note: Your data is kept strictly private and de-identified for all equations.